Details of the incident and steps I followed
My Claim against Nationwide Insurance
Government Assistance. or the lack thereof
My experience with attorneys and what they don't do
Links for help with insurance claims

This site contains details of my experience with a claim with Nationwide Insurance from a car accident on 7 December 2003 that still has not been settled after after two years. My intentions is to inform people who may need to deal with Nationwide Insurance (or other companies) with helpful info, hints, direction and let them now what they are in for. While the focus is on insurance companies and Nationwide in particular I also offer info with government agencies, attorneys & others. I have obtained training materials used for Nationwide adjusters & others where the focus is on reducing to as little as possible what is paid claimants. My best advice is to never use Nationwide for Insurance at all. Even if you find their rates reasonable if you need to make a claim you will find yourself without the protection that is the reason for carrying insurance to begin with. To give you a big example of this look at the suit Nationwide made against there own customers in the gulf Coast. Then what did you save? They usually are not the cheapest anyway if you check around. Also I have included comments from others I have communicated with who have had similar experiences with Nationwide. These are people with verified papers or credentials. Please do not send your experiences if you are not willing to disclose details of your case as I will not use anything not verified. We do not fully disclose names (except Governor Jeb Bush & public officials) so nothing will be a personal attack and no one else will be attacked. The goal is to inform what the mass media will not about big insurance companies. While some legal information is provided I make know claims of being an attorney or an expert but merely provide the information. This site is ever-changing as I learn more and hear from others in similar positions. Some information here will surprise you and is important to know before beginning a claim with any insurance company. Important Notes & info will be marked with a star.
 This web site has no connection with the Nationwide Insurance Companies except as a claimant.
I also wish to thank a number of racers around the country who have this website on their cars. It is the family of the racing community and their support in this matter that is encouraging. A special Thank you goes to Joe Russell who hand painted all the race cars in his division with this website address. Part of this website is to inform what racers often go through with insurance claims and how those companies and the government essentially steal from the citizens of this country.


Copyright 2004-2011 All rights reserved P.N.